Introduction and analysis of geoinformation systems (GIS) at the district administrations in Rhineland-Palatinate

Analyses and projects of i3mainz for the introduction of GIS at the district administrations in Rhineland-Palatinate i3mainz, CC BY SA 4.0

The processing of spatial municipal data and information with geographic information systems (GIS) is more necessary than ever, especially in times of product-oriented administrations.


Geoinformation systems make it possible to react quickly to new situations, requirements and circumstances in the operational business of the administration. Information and data can be searched for, processed and made available for further use more quickly.

Due to the large amount of municipal data in an administration, statistical and spatial analyses are no longer possible without digital information processing. Geoinformation systems are a basic component of electronic data processing in municipal administrations due to the aforementioned requirements and possible applications; this was also further focussed on in 2012 by the Landkreistag and the University of Applied Sciences Mainz within the framework of the project “Introduction of GIS in the county administrations in Rhineland-Palatinate”.


After a request for the implementation of a second GIS inspection in 2010, the districts that had not previously participated in the GIS investigation were offered the opportunity to have the status quo assessed again by the Mainz University of Applied Sciences. The GIS surveys of the i3mainz showed that there was a great deal of interest among the districts both in 2008 and in 2010.


Building on these studies, a further milestone was reached in 2012 with the introduction of a GIS in the Altenkirchen district administration, so that geoinformation systems are now fully available in all district administrations in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Furthermore, in the pilot district administration of Mainz-Bingen, an inter-communal offer for GIS use and central geodata provision at district level was implemented for the first time with the cooperation of i3mainz by providing and expanding the WebGIS for the towns and communities belonging to the district.